Loss of Long-time WDCR Member, Bob Cage

Long time DC Region member Bob Cage passed away yesterday - the following is his wife Jackie's message from Facebook:

"Bob always insisted on checking in everywhere we went, so here is his new location {Heaven} . He passed away very peacefully yesterday afternoon at the Hospice Center. The memorial service will be held at the Calvary United Methodist Church, 403 S. Main St, Mt Airy on Sat Nov 6 at 11am. At a later date there will be a Celebration of Life in Milford at EasySpeak, his favorite go to place. Thank you all for your prayers, calls, cards and most of all your living thoughts. Feel free to reach out to us via his phone. Live to all. Jackie."

Bob was a racer (Mazda pre-Miata) - held Regional F&C and National Start licenses. Many of us will fondly remember Bob's waving Checker with a thumbs-up from the Summit Point Start Stand. He'd been a DC Region member since 1995.

Bob had been fighting cancer with courage and grace.