Course workers

  • Quickly replace cones when knocked down by drivers. Quickly move back to safety. Only replace conces when there is sufficient time to reach safety.

  • Report driver penalties to timing using radio. Ensure timing verifies your call.

  • Be alert of all course activity to verify driver penalties and course safety.

  • Immediately report safety concerns with stage captain and RXSS.

  • Correct call-in language is "Plus One, Car 123." Timing will acknowledge with a "One Cone on Car 123." When using the radio, press the talk button and wait for 1 second before speaking to ensure your entire message is heard as the radios take a moment to begin transmitting.

  • If an unsafe situation develops (car stalls, breaks down on course, etc.), the red flag needs to be waved in an aggressive manner to stop any oncoming vehicles and announce on the radio “Red flag, red flag”. All workers on the course should then wave the red flag to halt all competing vehicles.

  • One corner worker is responsible for handling all radio calls and holding the red flag in a furled position.

  • Monitor nearby worker stations to verify safety and accuracy of penalties.

  • Stand in a safe location at least 25-30 feet away from the course. Avoid standing at the outside of corners.

  • Keep your eyes on the cars on the course at all times and never turn your back to a car on the course.

  • Remain standing during your work assignment.

  • Each corner station is identified by a bucket containing a fire extinguisher and a red flag and should have at least 2 corner workers assigned to it.

Stage captains

Stage Captains are responsible for expediting all event operations to ensure smooth and timely operation of each heat. This position includes but is not limited to:

  • Expedite and assign course workers to their positions.

  • Communicate with all workers, drivers, timing, start, RXSS, and event steward.

  • Verify with timing and course worker stations to begin drive-thru then declare the course "hot".

  • May halt the event at anytime for safety or timing concerns.

  • Communicates between Timing, Grid, and drivers.

  • Accepts timing inquiries from drivers and presents them to timing and/or the event steward as soon as possible.

  • Monitors all event radio traffic.

  • Monitors areas of timing, grid, start, and finish to ensure safety. Verifies all persons in this area are wearing wristbands and waivered in.


Start is responsible for course start of all drivers throughout the day. This position:

  • Ensures that drivers and passengers are wearing properly-fastened helmets, the seat belts are on & latched and windows are rolled up.

  • Based on safe release interval, signals the vehicle to start.

  • Communicates with timing to verify when to proceed start of cars or hold start of cars.

  • Communicates with grid to ensure constant flow of competitors is provided.

Grid /

Grid is responsible for constant flow of drivers to Start throughout the day. This position:

  • Expedites order of drivers vehicles into initial grid positions.

  • Ensures proper display of number, class and current tech inspection sticker.

  • Ensures drivers are ready in their cars with helmets when time is appropropriate to proceed to start.

  • Communicates with timing regarding re-runs or appropriate start order to ensure fair competition.

  • After event completion, retrieval of cones and all other event equipment for proper and secure storage.

Timing is responsible for:

  • Collects timing equipment from storage and deploys the equipment to the course in accordance with course design and RXSS approval.

  • Sets up laptop and timing equipment, including display.

  • Responsible for the operation and accuracy of timing software throughout the event.

  • Communicates with stage captain regarding course operations or timing inquiries.

  • Communicates with start to verify starting or holding of cars.

  • Ensures timing equipment is properly disassembled and stored upon event completion.

  • Posts final results online upon completion of timing audit.


Technical inspection

The Technical Inspectors will inspect each vehicle prior to the start of competition.  Inspection shall be in conformance with SCCA RallyCross Rules and regional Supplementary Regulations.  Inspections are not conformance within a specific class.  The Technical Inspectors will inspect driver's helmets prior to the start of competition.

Safety steward

A Rallycross Safety Steward (RXSS) is a person who has been licensed to act as a RXSS by the SCCA. The RXSS shall have the final authority regarding matters of driver, worker, spectator or course safety. This includes identifying the controlled spectator locations and and driver/worker safety relative to course design or layout. In no case will spectators be allowed beyond the controlled locations without the specific approval of the RXSS. The RXSS is also responsible for reviewing initial course design and then monitoring course conditions throughout the event. The RXSS may halt the event at any time if necessary.

Course set up / design
(2 workers)

Course set-up takes 1-2 hours and needs to be completed before the driver's meeting. Course set-up and design includes:

  • Retrieving equipment from storage and transporting to the course.

  • Design a course that meets site and SCCA guidelines.

  • Pass safety inspection by the Event RXSS.

  • Mark course with cones and establish worker stations.


Registration opens according to event schedule. The Registrar:

  • Prepares event registration documents for all pre-registered drivers.

  • Provides a Worker Sheet to Stage Captains with all work positions and who assigned to each work position.

  • Checks each competitor's driver's license.

  • Asks every participant, including spectators, to sign an SCCA Event Waiver and issues an SCCA wristband.

  • Collects appropriate registration fees.

  • Communicates information to timing prior to heats to ensure updates timing software are made.

  • Ensures that each driver is assigned an individual car number.

Event steward

The Event Steward is responsible for the overall operation, success, safety, fun, value, and fairness of competition.

  • All matters of competition fairness shall be directed to the Event Steward who will act as an impartial judge to determine the appropriate manner to proceed. If conflict of interest exists then Stage Captain shall make final decision.

  • All decisions and determinations by the Event Steward are final and may not be protested.